
Welcome to the online community of women in the Reformed Episcopal Church. Although our congregations are located throughout North America, our hearts are united in the love of Jesus Christ, under the leadership of our faithful REC bishops. As Lyla Wildermuth, a past Chairman of The Committee on Women’s Work, has said:

Today’s women can show their love for the Lord and serve Him by being active in their local churches and supporting denominational activities. As Reformed Episcopalians, we are members of the same denomination, and as believers, we are members of the body of Christ. Both carry certain expectations and responsibilities. …

Women need women. No one understands a woman better than another woman. We may all be unique in our backgrounds and experiences, our talents and abilities, our weaknesses and our strengths, but put us together and we can accomplish a lot.

We invite you to explore the site to learn more about who we are and what we do.

View the latest updates from our Chairperson, Gale Hill

SEC 2023 Flyer and Registration Information

Devotional Booklet Letter and Order Form 2023-2024

Dates to Remember 2023-2024 (Updated 08-04-2023)